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Telephone Hayley: 0795 1587 398
Cheltenham - Bourton

TJK Cheltenham is a part of the Taijutsu Kai association. These dates include the association event dates for 2024 and all TJK Cheltenham students are welcome and encouraged to attend these events.

Sunday 10th of March 2024
White and Yellow w/s belt grading – Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
Saturday 16th of March 2024
Yellow to Blue w/s belt grading. – Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
Sunday 17th of March 2024
Worcester Grading – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Sunday 21st of April 2024
Grappling Participation Event – Cheltenham Ladies College, Cheltenham
Sunday 19th of May 2024
Traditional Seminar – Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
Sunday 9th of June 2024
Sport Jujutsu / Grapple & Strike Event – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Saturday 29th of June 2024
White and Yellow w/s belt grading – Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
Sunday 30th of June 2024
Yellow to Blue w/s belt grading – Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
Sunday 7th of July 2024
Worcester Grading – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Sunday 13th of October 2024
TJK 44th National Seminar – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Sunday 9th of November 2024
Local Grappling Event – Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
Sunday 24th of November 2024
Worcester Grading (Including Dan Gradings) – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Saturday 30th of November 2024
White and Yellow w/s belt grading – Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
Sunday 1st of December 2024
Yellow to Blue w/s belt grading – Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
Sunday 8th of December 2024
Leaders Award – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Sunday 23rd of April 2023
Worcester Grading – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Sunday 30th of April 2023
Sport JJ Kumite – Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Bayshill Rd, Cheltenham GL50 3EP
Sunday 21st of May 2023
Seminar – Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Bayshill Rd, Cheltenham GL50 3EP
Sunday 11th of June 2023
TJK Competition – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Sunday 9th of July 2023
Worcester Grading – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Sunday 15th of October 2023
TJK Seminar – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Saturday 25th of November 2023
Grading for white and yellow w/s belts – Charlton Kings Infant School
Sunday 26th of November 2022
Worcester Grading (Including Dan Gradings) – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Saturday 2nd of December 2023
Participation grappling events – Charlton Kings Infant School
Saturday 16th December 2023
Grading for Yellow to blue w/s belts – Charlton Kings Infant School

TJK Syllabus Seminar Masterclass with National Coach Tasshi Ross lannoccaro, assisted by Senior TJK coaches. 8th of May 2022.

Learning how to defend against weapons is essential for self-defence. The TJK syllabus has many practical and effective skills that can be used against all types of weapon attacks.

This workshop will address all areas of weapon defence from avoidance to practising skills used in the samurai era.

All teachings will be age-related.

8th May 2022
Chosen Hill Sports Hall, Brookfield Road, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2PL.

Juniors under 14 years (£12)
10.15am – 11.45am

14 years and over – All Adults (£14)
12noon – 2.30pm

All forms must be completed and returned to your Sensei to book your space.

TJK Cheltenham is a part of the Taijutsu Kai association. These dates include the association event dates for 2022 and all TJK Cheltenham students are welcome to attend any of these events. TJK Cheltenham also has smaller events for our local students which are marked with red.

Saturday 12th of March 2022
White Yw/s Grading – Charlton Kings Infant School, Charlton kings, Cheltenham, GL53 8AY
Saturday 2nd of April 2022
Yellow to Blue Grading – Charlton Kings Infant School, Charlton kings, Cheltenham, GL53 8AY
Sunday 3rd of April 2022
Grading – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Sunday 8th of May 2022
TJK Weapon Defence Seminar – Chosen Hill Sports Hall, Brookfield Rd, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2PJ
Sunday 12th of June 2022
Sport Jujutsu Competition – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Saturday 25th of June 2022
Participation Kumite – Charlton Kings Infant School, Charlton kings, Cheltenham, GL53 8AY
Saturday 9th of July 2022
Yeloow to Blue Grading – Charlton Kings Infant School, Charlton kings, Cheltenham, GL53 8AY
Sunday 10th of July 2022
Grading – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Saturday 15th of October 2022
White Yw/s Grading – Charlton Kings Infant School, Charlton kings, Cheltenham, GL53 8AY
Sunday 16th of October 2022
TJK Seminar – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE
Saturday 26th of November 2022
Yellow to Blue Grading – Charlton Kings Infant School, Charlton kings, Cheltenham, GL53 8AY
Sunday 27th of November 2022
Grading (Including Dan Gradings) – St Johns Sports Centre, 13 Malvern Rd, Worcester, WR2 4LE

Please note, whilst TJK will endeavour to keep the above dates and locations in place, some may change due to unforeseen circumstances. More events may also be added throughout the course of the year.

We are very happy to announce our COVID-compliant children’s Jujutsu classes are now back on following the latest UK government guidelines.

Covid Safe Classes.

It is important that we follow government guidelines to give our members the confidence that we are taking social distancing measures seriously. Therefore there will be restrictions and changes in the way we will be conducting the classes.

Non contact training: Students will be placed on individual mats and be a min of 2 metres apart. Siblings or members from the same household may train together .  

Lesson plans: We are well aware that having such a long time of training / exercise may cause members to feel rusty or anxious about restarting. With this in mind your instructor has carefully put together a “Start Back” lesson plan with simple and basic fundamental jujutsu Drills, fitness and conditioning. This will greatly benefit all our members to re-engage, recap and prepare for phase 2 training. 


Our instructors have attended Covid Safety courses and will carry out all training instructions verbally. Clear safety instructions will be given at the start and end of class. 

Arriving at Class.

If possible all members to arrive at the facility in correct Kit and ready to train. You will require to wear a mask whilst entering the facility area. Once you are in the training hall you can take this off. Use of changing rooms and showering facilities should in general be avoided. Toilet facilities will be available. Please ensure that you bring your own ready filled water bottle for hydration.

Parents or Guardians accompanying young children are responsible for supervising them at all times and should follow social distancing guidelines. Only one Parent is permitted to accompany their child. Older children should be dropped off and collected outside the premises with prior parental arrangements. 

Sorry strictly No Spectators unless prior authorisation is given.

Hand Sanitising:

Hygiene is a top priority. Most of our facilities such as sports centre will have sanitising areas. However hand sanitisers and wipes will be available on the table at class reception. 

You should not attend if you have symptoms, in isolation 7 or 14 days or are awaiting test and trace results. 

Looking forward seeing you again soon.

Yours sincerely 

Sensei Andy

Five self-defence techniques every girl should know.

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At TJK we often hear “Will that work for me?”, “Can a smaller person really defend themselves against someone who is bigger and stronger?” and “Can a girl realistically defend themselves against a man?”

There are a few questions at play here, but it comes down to this – can someone who is trained in Jujutsu defend themselves against someone who is bigger and stronger than them?

We have used a young lady being attacked by a man in this example, but it could be a child against an adult, or any other variation of large attacker vs small victim. What needs to be taken into consideration is that with each variation of attacker and victim the most likely types of attack change. A male will attack a female differently to how a male would attack another male and vis a vis. Likewise, a child attacks another child (bullying) differently to how an adult would attack someone. Therefore, you need a martial art that can adapt to different situations and evaluate the person being instructed and what is most effective for them.

At TJK we teach 3 stages of self-defence and personal safety.

Detection – Students are taught to be aware of their surroundings, spot signs of danger and take sensible actions to reduce the chances of being in unsafe situations.

Defuse – Students are taught to defuse situations, keep distance, bring attention to the situation and move to safety. Training Jujutsu also helps increases confidence and self-esteem which helps deter attackers.

Defend – In worst-case scenarios, there may be no other option but to engage and use Jujutsu skills to defend an attack. At TJK we train a robust syllabus of techniques which are effective, practical and based on most common attacks, police data and over 40 years of martial arts teaching.

In the above video, we give examples of a few common attacks that females might need to defend themselves from. The video shows how at TJK we train self-defence techniques that help to minimise damage and either move to safety or control an attacker.

Jujutsu techniques have been the basis for many military unarmed combat techniques (including British/US/Russian special forces and SO1 police units) for many years. Since the early 1900s, every military service in the world has an unarmed combat course that has been founded on the principal teachings of Jujutsu.

Jujutsu is referred to as the mother art, and it’s descendants include; Judo, Sambo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu (via Judo), Aikido, Hapkido, Catch wrestling, Bartitsu, German ju-jutsu, and Atemi Ju-Jitsu.

This gives Jujutsu a vast range of flexibility and the art has incredible depth.

The answer is yes, a student who trains in Jujutsu at TJK will learn several techniques that will help them to defend themselves and mitigate damage but also helps reduce the chances of an attack ever taking place.

What is Total Fitness?

Total Fitness, Total Force Fitness and Dimensions of Wellness are models used by fitness, wellness, and health experts to help guide individuals and groups towards maximising their overall health and wellness.

Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.” – National Wellness Institute

The National Wellness Institute promotes Six Dimensions of wellness (Developed by Dr. Bill Hettler 1976): Emotional, Occupational, Physical, Social, Intellectual, and Spiritual. Addressing all six dimensions of wellness in our lives builds a holistic sense of wellness and fulfilment. An eight-dimensional model was developed by University Health Service at the University of Michigan (University of Michigan, 2012) making two additions; Financial and Environmental.

Total Force Fitness is a US military concept beginning in 2006, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) was investigating the aspects that led to human optimal performance or HPO, allowing service members to excel in an operational environment. They were commissioned to develop the Total Force Fitness concept into a CJCS Directive that would address the intersection of health, fitness, and performance optimization for the US military.

Total Force FitnessMIND: Psychological, Behavioural, Spiritual, Social | BODY: Physical, Medical and Dental, Nutritional, Environmental

Total Fitness is the model used within the UK fitness industry and consists of 6 elements to total fitness. Emotional / Mental, Social, Medical, Physical Fitness, Nutritional, and Spiritual.

A brief introduction to Jujutsu and Taijutsu Kai

Jujutsu first began during the Sengoku period over 500 years ago in feudal Japan, combining various Japanese martial arts which were used on the battlefield for close combat. Japanese hand-to-hand combat forms focused heavily upon throwing, immobilizing, joint locks and choking.

Jujutsu techniques have been the basis for many military unarmed combat techniques (including British/US/Russian special forces and SO1 police units) for many years. Since the early 1900s, every military service in the world has an unarmed combat course that has been founded on the principal teachings of Jujutsu.

Jujutsu is referred to as the mother art, and it’s descendants include; Judo, Sambo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu (via Judo), Aikido, Hapkido, Catch wrestling, Bartitsu, German ju-jutsu, and Atemi Ju-Jitsu.

This gives Jujutsu a vast range of flexibility and the art has incredible depth. There is something for every martial artist and Jujutsu can be described as a mixed martial art, 500 years before the UFC and other MMA promotions were ever created.

Taijutsu Kai is a school of Jujutsu founded by Sensei Ross Iannoccaro in 1980.

How Jujutsu helps towards “Total Fitness”

1. Emotional / Mental

Concerned with psychological well-being. The pressures of daily life can have a negative effect on mental and emotional fitness. This affects the ability to think clearly and constructively, leading to stress, which is a contributory factor to Coronary heart disease (CHD).

Jujutsu provides a structured syllabus in an encouraging and safe environment. Students can learn and develop their confidence and self-esteem at their own pace. Training jujutsu also works as a great stress reliever, taking your thoughts away from day to day life and completely focussing on the task at hand. Jujutsu also has some direct stress-busting benefits. Physical activity helps bump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress, depression and anxiety. All these exercise benefits can ease your stress levels and give you a sense of command over your body and your life.

2. Social

An individual’s ability to interact, communicate, establish and maintain relationships with others.

At Jujutsu classes you come into regular contact with new people every class, you build long lasting friendships, work with others to progress together and have a great feeling of being a part of a team. You will meet and socialise with people from all walks of life and share goals and interests. As you progress, you will begin helping others on their learning paths and naturally develop your communication skills whilst teaching others. Taijutsu kai embraces the traditions of Japanese martial arts. Respect, loyalty and kindness are at the core of all our clubs.

3. Medical

An individuals state of health and the absence of disease, illness, injury or disability so that the body is in optimal working order.

Physical exercise can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. (NHS)

It’s medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have:

4. Nutritional

Eating a well-balanced diet to ensure the body has sufficient energy and ability to carry out daily life.

This one Jujutsu can’t help with too much, except that it can provide goals such as competitions and gradings to help give you a great reason to focus on your diet and nutrition.

5. Spiritual

An individuals attitude, honouring one’s own and others basic human values and beliefs.

As previously mentioned you will meet and socialise with people from all walks of life and share goals and interests. Taijutsu kai embraces the traditions of Japanese martial arts. Respect, loyalty and kindness are at the core of all our clubs. Taijutsu kai clubs pay no attention to race, religion, or sexuality and everyone is always welcome.

As a traditional Japanese martial art we encourage; Integrity, Respect, Courage, Honour, Compassion, Honesty and Sincerity, and Duty and Loyalty.

6. Physical Fitness

A combination of attributes that allow you to function effectively, to enjoy leisure and cope with emergencies; Cardiovascular fitness, Motor Skills, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility.

All these factors are trained at Taijutsu Kai and Jujutsu is a great physical exercise to help improve in these areas. Jujutsu can also provide goals such as competitions and gradings to help give you a great reason to focus on your physical fitness. Jujutsu is a great form of exercise whilst also providing you with skills you’ll keep for life, build your confidence and ultimately keep you safe with self-defence skills.

These 6 areas combine to help achieve “Total Fitness” and learning Jujutsu at Taijutsu Kai is an excellent way to work towards these goals. The benefits of training Jujutsu are considerable and we would love everyone to come and give it a go. If you have ever considered starting a martial art you are never too late. We have people starting at every age and ability, everyone is welcome, there is always place for you at Taijutsu Kai schools of Jujutsu!

‘Our Jujutsu classes will support your children in becoming confident and resilient young people. Your child/children will develop the skills to detect danger in their surroundings and defuse situations that may spiral out of control. If a situation turns physical your child will be able to access the very best skills that will move them to safety’

Here at Taijutsu Kai we teach children from 5 upwards and have a children’s specific syllabus. Every new student starts with techniques we feel (from our 40 years of experience) are most important for children to learn to stay safe. Our beginner syllabus is made up of simple, easy to learn, yet practical and effective techniques that can be used in a multitude of situations.

As well as an enjoyable leisure activity Jujutsu is an excellent and rewarding pursuit for children. The discipline required through the study of jujutsu will encourage children to become more disciplined, responsible and self-confident.

Children can acquire and improve their co-ordination, concentration, self-esteem and self-control through jujutsu. Add this to self-defence and fitness benefits and you can see why jujutsu has become so popular with children.

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We encourage every child to train at Taijutsu kai and boys, girls and all ages are always welcome. Children don’t need any special uniform or equipment to get started and we offer a free trial lesson for every child. They just need to arrive in clothes usually worn for P.E. lessons at school and they’re good to go!

We have also taught many students with disabilities and special needs, if you feel your child may be able to benefit from training Jujutsu but unsure if it is a suitable pastime for them, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we can have a chat about how we may be able to help.

Don’t just take our word for it! We have taught 1000’s of happy and successful students over the past 22 years here at TJK Cheltenham. Taijutsu Kai schools of Jujutsu are also highly regarded across the UK and has influenced and taught many professional martial artists over its 40-year span. Including Police officers who protect the Royal family, to professional UFC fighters, plus countless other police offers, prison guards and more. See for yourself just some of the great feedback we’ve had from our students!

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Meet Ella, one of our students at TJK Cheltenham who has been with us for over 12 years!
In that time we have seen Ella’s confidence, self-esteem and many other aspects grow and develop. We are proud to have Ella here at TJK Cheltenham and she regularly helps out in classes and is an outstanding student!
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“Hi, my daughters been doing jujutsu for 4 years now. When we joined we found all the staff very friendly and we would recommend TJK to anyone who is concerned about their child’s safety.”
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“Hi, my daughter has been training with TJK for about a year now. She absolutely loves it, its great practical skills for self-defence, great for her self-confidence and something she really enjoys. I’d absolutely recommend it to anyone who’s thinking about getting their children into any martial arts, it literally is fantastic and great fun!”

We have 24 reviews on Facebook too! Pop along and take look at them here on our Facebook page and give our page a like too whilst you’re there to keep up to date with news, info and promos!

It’s Valentine’s day and what better way to celebrate than to write a quick article about what it’s like to train Jujutsu as a couple!

It’s not often we have couples training together, but when we do they can be a force to be reckoned with and we think more couples should come together and give TJK a try! There are a number of benefits to training with a loved one:

Mark and Jen have been training Jujutsu together for the past 5 years!

“Jen and I have a great time training together at TJK, we often motivate each other on those days you feel like giving it a miss. When Jen first started Jujutsu she was incredibly nervous. She soon fell in love with it though and now you can’t get her off the mats! She is currently training for a high level competition next month putting in training 4 times a week, has won numerous competitions and I’ve seen many fully grown men hide from Jen when it comes time to train as she will often submit people twice her size.”


Jujutsu is a safe and fun activity for everyone. We have classes for all ages with separate children syllabus and adult syllabus tailored to the different ages. Girls and Women are encouraged to come and try TJK and we have many very successful female students who not only enjoy Jujutsu but also excel at it!

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